General Climbing - Saturday Morning 10.00-11.30
September 5, 2012
In this session kids learn how to be safe climbers, they learn the basics of climbing technique, and bottom rope belaying. They then move on to develop their technique and fitness levels and they will learn how to safely lead climb and belay. The club also runs trips to other climbing venues, as well as outdoor crags during the warmer months. Kids can use their own equipment or hire harness, shoes etc from the Peak at a reasonable fee. A reduced rate is available for Peak wall members who attend Spiders sessions.
General Climbing - Saturday Morning 11.30-13.00
March 15, 2013
Our second general group, see information above. Children move between groups as numbers and lives change. We aim to provide a coherent mix of ages and abilities but aim for everybody in the club to get to know each other regardless of which group they are currently attending.
Development Group - Tuesday Evening 6-8pm
April 22, 2013
For existing members to develop their ability further and see climbing as part of their lifestyle.
The criteria for members who would like to be part of this group are
Belay bottom rope competently
Lead grade 5 sport routes (indoor)
have a desire to lead climb outside
keep an updated training log(this will be checked weekly)
attend weekly club sessions
attend club outings to local single pitch crags/further afield indoor climbing facilities
own their own harness, rock shoes, helmet, belay device, two screwgate karabiners and a 120cm sling (we will arrange discount deals for climbing hardware to make this as cheap as possible)